Navigation : Finding things
The menu bar is at the top of the page:
Left Side
- Click on Home for the Home Page
- Click on Blog for the blog
- Click on Tags for a list of blog tags. Click on a Tag to see all of the blog pages with that Tag.
Right Side Click on the symbol next to Search to switch between light and dark mode
Use Search to find webpages and Blog posts
- The Left sidebar is a list of website page categories and individual pages.
- The Right sidebar is a table of contents of a page
Small Screen
The same information is available on small screens.
Search is at the top left of the screen
Menu Bar Press the hamburger symbol at the top left of the screen, then press Back to main menu
Pages Press the hamburger symbol at the top left of the screen for list of website page categories and individual pages
Page Table of Contents Press the ∨ symblol on the right side of the On This Page to view the selected page table of contents