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Development Teams


Team members work together delivering their work to other teams during the life time of the website.

The slightest errors or security issues will require remediations sometime during the life time of the website.


Iterative Development Teams

Iterative website development enables the Define, Design, Develop, Deploy and Maintain teams to be operational at the same time creating, testing and remediating website defects.

Teams Prerequisites


The Define team prerequisites are:

  • Defining what the project is about
  • Funding
  • Purpose
  • Functionality
  • Stakeholders
  • Content
  • The musts and wants features
  • The security requirements


The Design team prerequisites are:

  • Decisions about Website Design
  • Consistency
  • Theme
  • Color Scheme
  • Typology
  • Navigation
  • User interaction.


The Develop team prerequisites are:

  • Decisions about resources required to transform the Define and Design work into a website and infrastructure.
  • Decisions about using a static site generator and programming tools.


The Deploy team prerequisites are:

  • Decisions about resources required for deploying production version of the website to the Internet.
  • Decisions about resources required for team developers working on features, fixes, or testing to deploy private Preview Internet websites with their changes, without disturbing other developers work or the production version. See Preview Deployments


The Maintain team prerequisites are:

  • Decisions about remediating deployed websites Define, Design,Develop, Deploy, or Security defects.
  • Organizing members from other teams to be part of the Maintain team while remediating specific defects.